2 drain solenoids burned up in 3 weeks . how to replace timing switch
GE dishwasher GSD2325FOOBB need info on replacing timer switch.
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AnswerHi Ziggy,
The timer is very simple to replace follow these steps and it should work out fine.
1. Disconnect power to dishwasher.
2. Separate the inner door panel from the outer door panel. Screws along the outer edge of the inner door hold them together.
3. Pull the knob off the old timer.
4. Remove the two screws that hold the timer in place and pull the timer loose.
5. Disconnect the wiring harness from the timer.
6. There will be a cam on the front of the old timer that must be transferred to the new timer.
7. Reverse directions to install new timer.
Note that on the timer there will be a spring that attaches to the lever that trips the soap dispenser make sure that spring gets put back in place as it was or the soap dispenser will not work.

Thank you,