These are images and descriptions of GE range parts that I describe how to
diagnose in my range repair guide.
Note that in most cases it is best to order GE range parts by model number!!
Glass Top Units
Glass tops use open ribbon surface units
and are located directly under the glass. The unit is sealed so that only the
glass in the cooking area gets hot. There are many different ribbon units so it
is best if you order by model number. This part can be purchased at
Plug-in Surface Units
GE uses three different kinds of
plug-in units. Plug-in units plug into a block and often when you replace a
plug-in unit, the block needs replacing as well so I will provide the part
number for the block used with each unit.
This unit is the most popular plug-in surface unit for GE ranges. The
part number for the small 6” unit is WB30M1. Order Here The part number for the large 8” unit is WB30M2. Order Here Both of these units are used with the plastic block- part
number 330031 Note that this is a Whirlpool part but I recommend it because
it comes with both brackets so that it can be used on all ranges that use a
plastic block.
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Surface Elements and Receptacles This unit is not very popular for GE ranges but it is the most
popular unit for all other brands and can be used on all brands. The part number
for the small 6” unit is WB30X256. Order Here The part number for the large 8” unit is WB30X253. Order Here Both of these are used with the plastic block- part number 330031 Note that this is a Whirlpool part but I recommend it because
it comes with both brackets so that it can be used on all ranges that use a
plastic block.
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These units can be purchased at
Plastic block- part number 330031
This block can be purchased at
This unit is used on older GE ranges. The part number
for the small 6” unit is WB30X218.
Order Here. The part number for the large 8” unit is WB30X219. Order Here Both of these units are used with the ceramic block-part
number WB17X5051. Order Here
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This unit can be purchased at
ceramic block-part number WB17X5051. Order Here
Hard Wire Surface Units
Old GE ranges used hard wire
surface units. Some had two wires, some had three wires and some had four. You
can buy these units with the ring already attached or without the ring.
The two-wire and the four-wire units are hard to get and are not common.
The three-wire unit comes with a kit so you can use it on ranges that have
two-wire units, however if you have a four-wire unit order by model number.
The part number for the small 6” three-wire unit without the ring is
WB30X342 and with the ring WB30X356. The part number for the large 8” three-wire
unit without ring is WB30X341 and with the ring WB30X354. Note as stated before,
the three-wire unit will replace the two-wire unit.
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These units can be purchased at
Surface Unit Switch
GE has a
universal surface unit switch that will work on all GE ranges except glass tops
and a few built-in cook tops. This switch comes with adapters for different
knobs. The part number for this switch is WB21X5243. Order Here
Bake/Broil Units
The bake unit and the broil unit
provide cooking heat for the oven. There are many bake and broil units, so it is
a GE range part that is best if you order by model number.
The oven sensor is a variable resistor that varies
resistance with temperature and ovens with electronic controls use oven sensors
to determine the temperature inside the oven. GE uses two oven sensors for most
of their ovens. One is three inches long- part number WB23T10002. Order Here and the other is six inches long- part number WB21X5301.Order Here. Note that both of these sensors have and resistance of 1000
ohms at room temperature. Sensors can be purchased at
On GE ovens that don’t have an electronic control,
use an oven thermostat to determine the temperature inside the oven. There are
many different oven thermostats so it is best if ordered by model number.
Thermostats can be purchased at
Note that these parts are not all of the GE range parts
but the most common ones.