dishwasher detergent cup assembly
by Teresa
(Endicott, NY)
I have a Hotpoint model# HDA2100N10CC dishwasher, the assembly for the detergent cup has come apart, there are no broken pieces, but I am not sure how to re-assemble it. Would there be any instructions available? I especially have a problem with the circular spring that goes behing the cup lid.
Thank you
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AnswerHi Teresa,
There has almost got to be something broken if it came apart. I know what you mean that spring is hard to get back on. You have to hook it and wind it around the thing so that it has spring tension then hook the other end. It is really hard to describe and I don’t know of any detailed instructions on how to do it. Look good for anything broken because that may be the reason you can’t get it back on.
Thank you,
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