Dishwasher installed tilting backwards (1/4 bubble)

by chris w.
(medford, ny, usa)

Just had the new Samsung dishwasher installed and noticed the unit was installed with a slight tilt backwards. asked installer if that was correct and he stated that it is best to tilt is backward slightly to keep the water away form the door. Is this correct I cannot fnd anything indicating that this is an installer normal rule of thumb practice.

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Hi Berry,

I have never leaned a dishwasher back for this reason and I don’t think it needs to be for this reason. There may be another reason for it to be leaned back such as an uneven floor or unleveled cabinet but not to keep the water away from the door. With this being said I rather see it leaning back rather than forward but it is not necessary.

Thank you,

Comments for Dishwasher installed tilting backwards (1/4 bubble)

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good to know
by: Anonymous

Thanks for your take on it. I will check the floor and the csbinets to see if the lean is needed or not. Mostly happy to hear that this is not as problem if it stay that way,

Dishwasher tilt back
by: Chuck

I am a troubleshooter for a major corporation. It is best for a tilt back for two reasons. The first is exactly what the installer had explained. When the water is level from the back to the float at the float, the momentum of the water can move towards the door and splash over the bottom rim of tub opening and leak onto the floor for the home. The beach affect, gravity pulls the water backwards away from the door.

The most important is that the beach affect in the water in the tub will provide the circulation pump with 2 or 3 more gallons of water to circulate. I have found that a totally level dishwasher only fills a low even level of water to the float. The tilt back will provide adequate water for a good spray. Water is best deeper in the back than at the point of the float. You cannot find this in very many install manuals as well as troubleshoot advice online, but it is a truth that should be used.


Hi Chuck,

I don't necessarily disagree with you that it is ok to lean a dishwasher back and some models may run more water if it is leaned back. However a lot of dishwashers are timed filled so the level of the dishwasher will not effect how much water is put into the machine. on most models the only thing the float is for is to keep it from flooding.

When I install a dishwasher slightly leaning back is preferred over leaning forward however I wouldn't lean one back enough to notice. It should be leveled pretty good from side to side. The way I look at it is the washer is designed to work level so it should be installed close to level. Sometimes I see them instill leaning way back and it just don't look good.

Thank you,

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