Dishwasher Leak Repair
by Dan
(Greensboro, NC)
Replaced the drain shaft seal on GE Profile Dishwasher (Model # GSD4030Z02WW) using your instructions & parts. Very helpful and leak stopped.
However, I cannot get the e-clip back on the shaft to retain the drain solenoid activator. Have tried over & over but can't get it to seat.
Any tips or a tool you can recommend?
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AnswerHi Dan,
I understand where you are coming from I have struggled with this as well many times. I have even lost a few because if you don’t watch it, it will go flying across the room. All I can tell you is it will go simply by pushing it in with a flat screwdriver. I don’t know of a special tool for e-clips however I wouldn’t be surprised if there was one I don’t have to deal with them enough to bother getting a tool.
If you put the clip in place and place you thumb on the shaft then place the screwdriver on the clip. Then squeeze down it should go in.
Thank you,