by tim
(st louis)
GE model GSD3230 Z02WW
with your expert advise and instructions, i replaced the pump only on the unit. After I reinstalled the motor and new pump I turned the unit back on. The unit is not filling with water. I have advanced the timer manually a couple of times and still no water. The water is on to the unit. I have check to make sure that the drain float was still operational. I have noticed that the plunger on the solenoid drain does not move at all like it used to when I was advancing the timer. I have turned wires around on the terminal and checked again but no movement out of it and no water.
Help...I'm getting dirty looks from my trophy wife.
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AnswerHi Tim,
Replacement parts in General Electric GSD3230Z02WW Dishwasher 
I am assuming that you have already checked the obvious such as checking for loose connections. But just to be sure unplug the water valve and the solenoid and make sure they are plugged in correctly. Also did you reconnect the power? I am not trying to be funny I have been there (if someone is watching it is embarrassing unless I can play it off).
Other than that there is nothing you could have done if all you did was replace the pump. If you don’t find anything like that let me know and we will diagnose from there. The problem may be unrelated.
What was the washer doing before you replaced the pump? In other words why did you replace the pump?
Thank you,