dishwasher stuck on wash cycle
by Kurt
My Whirlpool DU1055XTSB3 dishwasher was stuck on the wash cycle this morning (at least 3 hours overnight). Very hot and steamy inside. I started it again and pushed the cancel button and it drained and shut off. I ran a rinse cycle which shut off on its own.I set it for a light wash and it keeps repeating the wash cycle, five minutes on, ten seconds off, without draining. Any suggestions? Thank you.
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This is most likely going to be a control board problem. However if the heater isn’t working then the washer could be “waiting” for the water to heat but it never does. Check the heater and the thermostats connecting to the heater. If the heater or the thermostat is open replace it. If this isn’t the problem then the control is bad.
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