Dishwasher won`t start
Whirlpool model DU1055XTPQ4 clean light flasshes 7 times, pauses then flashes 7 more tines. Have disconnected power and tried to restart-same thing. book says problem in heating ckt but heater and thermostat check good with ohmmeter.
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Replacement parts in WHIRLPOOL DU1055XTPQ4 Undercounter Dishwasher 
If the heater or the thermostat weren’t the problem I would think the main control board is the problem however if water isn’t being sprayed onto the heater as it should you will get the same problem. But first just to be sure did you check the heater and the thermostat with the wires disconnected? If not recheck the heater and the thermostat with the wires disconnected. Also did you check to see if the heater is grounded out (any ohm reading from the wire terminal to ground)? If not check that and if it is grounded out replace it.
If you are sure the heaters are not grounded place the dishwasher into a service mode to clear the blinking lights temporarily. See if the dishwasher is getting enough water and if the water is being strayed properly. There should be a mini service manual under the dishwasher that will tell how to put it into the service mode.
If you don’t find anything wrong replace the main control board. If water isn’t getting to the dishwasher you most likely have a water valve problem. If you are getting water but it isn’t spraying you may have a clogged or blocked wash arm.
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