Dishwasher won't turn on
by D.
Maytag Model MDB9600AWB
I am able to select any wash cycle type but when I press the start button on the fron panel nothing happens.
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AnswerHi D,
Replacement parts in MAYTAG MDB9600AWB Dishwasher - Undercounter 
The problem is in the main control board, the keypad or the door switches. This is assuming it makes no noise when you try to start it. The door switches can be checked with an ohmmeter. Check each switch separately and with the power off with the switches disconnected. If the switches are not bad, check under the dishwasher for a tech sheet for info on how to test the keypad or any other info that may help. If any lights are flashing there may be a fault and the tech sheet should tell the fault codes and what to do about it. If you can’t find the tech sheet I will try to find on online but for now the Whirlpool website that I was getting this from is going haywire.
Thank you,
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