Dryer belt broken/ Model Number GLER341AS2
Dryer belt broken/ Model Number GLER341AS2
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AnswerReplacement parts in FRIGIDAIRE GLER341AS2 Frigidaire/electric Dryer 
To access the belt you have to remove the front. First unplug the dryer then lift the top by pressing in on clips between the top and the front. Once the top is up remove the two screws that hold the front on. Then remove the front. Put the new belt around the drum and rotate it several times to ensure that it isn’t twisted. Connect the belt on the motor and the idler pulley. This model is very similar the GE on this page
Dryer Belt as far as the belt picture goes.
I believe there is an access panel on the back so that you can see the belt as you connect it so that it is easier.
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