freezer ice door not opening when trying to dispence
by Brian
(Peoria, Illinois)
I have a GE model #GSS25QGMC CC serial # FD229298. Thanks for the informative help on unfreezing the auger motor. Your instructions were precise and it is now working.
Now, since we haven’t used the dispenser in so long, the shute door will hardly open to let the ice fall out. I have tried to spray what springs and hinges I can see with a silicone spray but still will not allow ice to fall. Any suggestions appreciated.
Thanks, Brian
AnswerReplacement parts in General Electric GSS25QGMCCC Refrigerator

Hi Brian,
The doors also cause this problem. These doors caused lots of problems for these refrigerators and frankly gave GE a bad name. For the record I love GE appliances but this was not one of there greatest times. What happens is the solenoid that opens the flap will rust up because of excessive moisture.
This time you will have to replace the solenoid to repair the problem but I will not promise you it won’t rust again.
Here is a link to the part I believe is rusted up causing your problem.

To access the part you will have to prize the dispenser control off from the bottom. Then remove the housing behind the control. Once all of that is off you should see the solenoid and it will be obvious if it is rusted up. If it is not rusted post a comment and we will go from there. Hope this helps!!
Thank you,