GE dishwasher (gsd5560) won't stop
by Jason
The dishwasher is about 5-6 years old and has never had any issues until it got stuck between cycles. My daughter said it happened almost right away. I have taken a quick look and discovered the sequence switch running continuously.
I'm curious as to what has caused this and if simply replacing the switch will correct the issue.
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AnswerHi Jason,
Replacement parts in General Electric GSD5560G00SS Dishwasher 
Assuming there are no flashing lights that may indicate a fault code then I would say the sequence switch is the problem. It is hard to say with %100 certainty, because it could be the main control but I feel it will be the sequence switch.
There is one more thing although I have never seen it with a sequence switch (a few times with regular timers) I have see the sticky insulation fall down and get on the timer and cause it to stop turning. Make sure this is not the case before replacing the switch.
Thank you,
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