GE profile dishwasher not draining totally

by Jennifer
(Sacramento, CA)

Ge dishwasher not draining totally, I checked all hose and drains for clogs and checked grabage disposal, no clogs found. Motor is running fine. what else is wrong?

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Some models have what they call a piston and nut (sometimes called a piston valve). This is the most common thing that will cause your problem if the model you have has one. The piston and nut will be located under the filter screen that goes all the way across the back of the washer. You remove the filter from the inside of the dishwasher and then unscrew the piston valve.

This page tells more about this and also has a picture of the part I am talking about Dishwasher Not Draining

If that isn’t your problem give me your model number and I will help you determine what the problem is.

Thank you,

Comments for GE profile dishwasher not draining totally

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ge pdw8200 drain problem
by: Frank C

I've had mine for 3 or 4 yrs now. It's never really cleaned well and kept leaving water in the tube. What i discovered was that rubber flap between the drain pump and the tub had been put in backwards at the factory. It should open towards the drain pump. If you remove the drain cover inside the tub and stick your finger to bottom you should feel flap open when you push in. If you don't then you'll have to go underneath and remove drain pump and you'll see the flap,take it out and flip it.Just make sure it opens to the outside of tube. Then put it back together.

I figured it out....clogged air gap
by: DB

What a nightmare. I couldn't get the water to drain out my GE dishwasher.

1. I ordered and installed a new drain pump. That didn't work.

2. I unattached the DW motor to take the sump basin off. Then I took out all the internal washing parts and inspected for blockage in the drain screens/filters. I cleaned out everything. Still didn't work.

3. I removed the drain hose that runs from the DW to the air gap and inspected the hose for blockage. Still nothing.

4. FINALLY...I found half of a pastachio shell lodged under the air gap cap where the drain pump hose empty's into garbage disposal hose.

I could be pissed at myself for not checking this first, before I bought and installed a new drain pump. But this is one of those live & learn events in life. At least I now have a thoroughly cleaned and inspected dishwasher.

GE Profile Dishwasher
by: Anonymous

This dishwasher SS inside and out - is only 2 1/2 years old - I have checked everything - it does not clean. Have had repairman come out and charged me $76 to check the filter, I cleaned it too - will not clean. Any suggestions.

by: Shawn/admin

Since the repairman came out I will assume you don’t have issues with it not draining, not spraying or not getting because these are standard things to check when a dishwasher isn’t cleaning.

First and foremost make sure your water is good and hot. It should be above 130 degrees for a dishwasher to work properly.

Dishwashers nowadays don’t use a lot of water which means if it takes a long time for hot water to reach your kitchen the dishwasher can fill before the water gets hot. Run water in the sink until it gets hot before you start the dishwasher.

Go out and get a gallon of white vinegar. Fill a bowl with the vinegar and set it on the top rack of the dishwasher and start the cycle. Every 5-10 minutes refill the bowl with vinegar until you run out of vinegar or you get to the end of the cycle. This will clean out the dishwasher so that it will not leave behind grits.

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