Icemaker quit working
I have a Kenmore refrigerator Model 106.55522400 with an ice maker that quit working. Water continues to come out of the dispesner in the door but no ice. I have checked the incemaker to be sure it's not frozen or hung up on something, but eveything looks good.
AnswerYou are getting water at the door so you know the water supply is ok.
Yours is a little more complicated because the ice bin is mounted in the door. First thing you are going to want to do is check the tube that enters the icemaker to see if it is clogged with ice. If it is squirt hot water into the tube until the ice is out. Then replace the water valve.
If that isn’t the problem open the door and press in on the flap on the left hand side to unblock the optics. The optics is like a garage door sensor if the optics is blocked the icemaker will not work. The optics should only be blocked when the door is opened or the ice bin is full. When you press in on the flap the light on the right should stop blinking and turn solid. If it continues to blink the optics (emitter/receiver board) is bad and must be replaced.

Refrigerator P.C. board kit - Kit includes emitter and receiver icemaker control.
If the optics checks out ok pull the icemaker out and unplug the refrigerator. Then remove the cover off the front of the icemaker and place an insulated jumper wire from test hole T to test hole H. Make sure it is making contact or this will not work (you will get a false test result that may cause you to replace the wrong part). Once the jumper is in good, place the icemaker back into the refrigerator (jumper still in place). Then reconnect power to refrigerator. If the icemaker then cycles and runs water replace the whole icemaker.
If the icemaker cycles will doesn’t run water replace the water valve.

Water inlet valve kit
If the icemaker will not cycle replace the motor/modular.

I hope this helps! Thank you,