Kenmore won't run

by Doug
(South Carolina)

The only life the Kenmore Ultra Wash 665.15812990 exhibits is the flashing 2 hr. delay light. No other buttons or lights work. The light comes on when the door is latched, and goes off when it's open. Any ideas??

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Hi Doug,

Take the bottom plate off the washer and you should find tech sheet. (I can’t find it online because it is Kenmore). It should tell you what the flashing lights stand for and what to do when this happens. Tell me what it says and I will help you figure out what you have to do.

Thank you,

Comments for Kenmore won't run

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tech sheet
by: Doug

Found the tech sheet. It says that any flashing light indicates that a key is stuck in the depressed condition, and that operation is suspended until the condition is corrected. I can feel the 'click', so the key doesn't appear to be mechanically stuck. How do you 'correct the condition'?

tech sheet
by: Doug

Found the tech sheet. It says that any flashing light indicates that a key is stuck in the depressed condition, and that operation is suspended until the condition is corrected. I can feel the 'click', so the key doesn't appear to be mechanically stuck. How do you 'correct the condition'?

Keypad or control
by: Shawn/control

This can be the control or the keypad. Unless the tech sheet tells you otherwise this is how you tell if it is the control or the keypad.

Disconnect the power to the dishwasher. What you normally do is access the control panel. Then locate the ribbon that connects the control panel to the keypad and disconnect it. With the keypad disconnect put the control panel back together. If the light continues to blink you know the control is bad and if the light goes out the keypad is bad.

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