Push start, start light comes on but doesnt run
by Mike
(Garden City, MI USA)
fdb520rhb2, 6 months old. Worked fine till today. push the start button and the cycle/wash light comes on but nothing happens.
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AnswerHi Mike,
If it is only 6 months old then I suggest calling for warranty service because I am sure it had a 1 year warranty.
In any case the first two things to check is the water valve and the door switch. If when you press start the water valve is getting power but no water comes in then the valve is bad. If not you will have to check the door switch. First disconnect power to the dishwasher and take to door apart to access the door switch to check it to see if there is anything mechanically broken. Then take the switch off and test the switches with an ohmmeter. If they are bad replace the door latch assembly. I hope this helps!
Thank you,