reinstall lower spray arm
by Cathy
I removed the lower spray arm to remove possible clogging. I cannot reinstall it! I cannot get it to screw back in. I have a Kitchenaid KUDI02IRBT.
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AnswerHi Cathy,
Replacement parts in WHIRLPOOL KUDI02IRBT0 Undercounter Dishwasher 
There is a housing that goes between the wash arm and the pump housing that funnels water to the top wash arm. That housing has got to be correctly in place for the nut to go on a hold properly.
Also there is a hub that has got to be in place. If you took that hub off make sure you put it back.
If the click the link above, it will take you to the parts breakdown that will show the order of the parts if that helps.
Thank you,