Whirlpool 4404/5 Fills but doesnt run
by Sarah
(Wales UK)
Hi there, my dishwasher has been playing up on and off but now I cannot get it to work. After pressing start the dishwasher fills and sounds like its going to start but then it stops and I can hear a buzzing. If left I can smell a burning smell. The dishwasher empties by holding start down, but despite using all the different settings it will do the same on all. Ive cleaned everywhere I can access and still no joy. Any suggestions?
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AnswerHi Sarah,
It sounds like the motor/pump is hung. There could be something hung in the impeller or the motor bearing could be hung. You will have to take the pump apart from the inside to access the impeller to see if there is something hung. If you give me the model number (number you gave is not model number) I can help more.
Thank you,